Brain Dump

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Why I Hate Library School (today)

I'm tired. I hauled my ass out of bed to get to campus early to study but now I'm too tired to study. So I'm doing a brain dump. See, the hardest part of my education right now is relaxing enough to learn. Relaxing enough to enjoy. Perfection ferschmection. I worry. I fret. And then I'm too tired to study. MMMMMmmmmmmmm.......I want a chocolate cupcake filled with cream cheese and chocolate chips. I want to go swimming. If I went swimming I'd feel much better. I should have just gone swimming this morning instead of trying to study. Hopefully it will warm up today and I can take a nap outside. Instead of keeping track of all of the krappy things I do today I'm going to keep track of all the great things I've done. I got out of bed. I made the right turn off of 45th to get to the parking lot. I walked all the way up the stairs to get to campus. I answered the reading questions for Cutter. I 've done the readings for 540.

Oh yeah, I could go to Odegarrd and get the reserved readings for 561.

I'll do what I can. And I won't chastise myself for what I don't get done. Meh.


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